Thursday, February 28, 2008

What Makes You A Leader Is Complete Awareness

Shri Shri Nimishananda

Today, no one is functioning with full potential. That is why we are anonymous. Usually, one notices three patterns in the lives of people. Some lead, others follow, while many quit. Leaders are those who have self-motivation, zeal and dedication. They have the ability to tune in to their inner Self, so they can guide and motivate others. Those who follow must have the enthusiasm to comprehend and implement the mission and vision placed before them. They must also work at transforming their own shortcomings. We see many quitters around us. They have plenty of complaints and grievances; they rarely enjoy life. They flow with worldly currents and lead mechanical lives. What quality prevents life from becoming mechanical? What ingredient ignites zeal and keeps boredom at bay? Awareness. If we are constantly aware, life is always interesting. We enjoy everything for everything inspires us. Awareness is not alertness. Alertness requires effort and has an element of stress and tension. Awareness is alertness without tension. When we are in this relaxed state, zeal and interest are spontaneous. From interest come memory and dedication. We should do nothing mechanically. Even stirring a spoon of sugar into a cup of tea should be done with complete awareness. Then there is always a deep sense of joy and connectivity with Divinity. We should be aware of what we are doing every second. You may feel that this will produce tension. No. We are always aware of our name and family. Does this make us tense? Awareness is a relaxed and expansive state that eliminates tension. If we are constantly aware, we give cravings no scope to take root. Even drinking a cup of tea can be done with complete awareness so that we savour every sip. Then the tea is enjoyed by the body, senses and mind. There is satisfaction and no craving. When we fulfil a desire mechanically, the deeper levels of our being are not satisfied and we develop an obsessive craving for that object. Lack of awareness also generates indifference for others, while awareness creates complete connectivity with Divinity and all beings. Without this connectivity we are not open to divine grace though it is flowing to us constantly. When we are conscious of connectivity, we live in a state of heightened awareness. We often strive to amass property for future generations. Physical property may be lost. It may lead to strife and litigation. The best legacy we can leave behind is awareness and wisdom. Mahatmas are remembered with reverence not for the property they amassed, but for the principles by which they lived. The outer world is constantly changing. The cars that are today’s status symbols will be the bane of tomorrow. All material things lose their value after a while. Divinity never changes. God is ever the same. Divinity transcends time and space. Awareness of Divinity takes us to the only state that is worthwhile — constant bliss that is independent of bodily existence. When we stop imposing conditions on life, we surrender to the divine tempo. Then our life becomes a feast of bliss. We embrace life with open arms. We become natural leaders who inspire and ignite the flame of awareness in every heart.

1 comment:

chethan said...

Very powerful article.Would like to