Thursday, February 28, 2008

Anapanasati Yoga - OSHO


Buddha invented a method, one of the most powerful methods, for creating an Inner Sun of Awareness. The method that Buddha used is known as Anapanasati Yoga. The Yoga of 'In-coming' and 'Out-going' Breath Awareness.
We are breathing, but it is unconscious breathing. Breath is Prana, Breath is the elan vital , the Vitality, the very life and yet it is unconscious; you are not aware of it.
Buddha used Breath as a vehicle to do two things simultaneously; one to create Consciousness, and another to allow that Consciousness to penetrate to the very cells of the body. He said, Breathe Consciously. That does not mean to do 'Pranayam'-'Yogic Breathing'; it is just to make Breath an object of awareness, without changing it.
There is no need to 'change' your Breath! Leave as it is, natural; do not change it. But when you breathe in, Breath Consciously; let your consciousness move with the In-going Breath. And when the Breath goes out, let your concsciousness move out with it.
Move with the breath! Let your attention be with the breath; flow with it.
One hour is enough! It looks like such a small amount of time, but it is not. When you are trying to be Aware, an hour can seem like millennium, because ordinarily you cannot be aware for more than five or six seconds.
To be conscious of the Breath means that no thoughts can be allowed, because thoughts will distract your attention.
Automatically, thinking will stop; you cannot both think and breath consciously! When a thought comes into your mind, your attention is withdrawn from the breathing. A single thought, and you have become unconscious of the Breathing Process.
The more you try to do it, the more your endeavor to do it, the more conscious you will become. It is arduous, it is difficult, but once you can do it, you will have become a different person, a different being, a different world!
Buddha says,... Move consciously with the breath and you will create a Center of Awareness within you... Then your whole body becomes the Universe.
Only after practicing Breath Awareness for a long time - when you are finally able to remain with the breath, to be Aware of the breath - will you become Aware of the Gap when there is no movement of Breath; Breath is neither Coming In nor Going Out. In the Subtle Gap between Breaths, you are at your center.

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