Thursday, April 24, 2008

Krishna and Kali Become ONE


The whole problem of man is how to meet with the woman, and the whole problem of the woman is how to meet man. A Far Eastern myth says God created man and woman together not as two beings; they were joined in one body. But then there were conflicts. The woman wanted to go to the East and the man was not willing. Or, the man was ready to do something and the woman wanted to rest. They complained and God separated their bodies. Since then, every man is searching for his woman, and every woman is searching for her man. Now it is such a big crowd that it is very difficult to find your woman, or man. The myth says that if you can find, everything fits; you again become one. But it is very difficult to find. But there is a way to find your woman, because the woman is not outside. There are only parallel similarities outside. When you fall in love with a woman, what happens? Somehow the outside woman fulfils your inner woman’s image, maybe not a 100 per cent, but enough to fall in love. When you fall in love with a man, what happens? Something inside you clicks and says, “Yes, this is the man, the right man”. It is not a logical conclusion, it is not a syllogism. It is not that you find out all the pros and cons about the man and then you decide, or you compare the man with all the other men in the world, then you decide. Something happens out of the blue. Suddenly you see that this is the man whom you were waiting for You carry an image of man, you carry an image of woman inside. You are both, and you go on looking outside. Nobody is going to fit 100 per cent, because the woman that you find outside has her own image about you; you have your own image. It is very difficult to fit with each other. So marriages are always on the rocks, and people, by and by, learn how to carry on peacefully. The whole Tantra method is: how to allow your inner man to meet with the inner woman. And when this becomes a circle, when this inner copulation happens, a great orgasm, a great explosive orgasm begins which knows a beginning but knows no end. Then you live an orgasmic life. Then you are no more finite, you become infinite. Break the barrier of words. Now, i am talking to you; i am using words. You can listen to my words — then you have not listened to me. You can listen in such a way that the words are no more a barrier, but become vehicles. They no more create problems, but you listen exactly between the words, between two words, in the gaps. You listen to my silence; then words and their barriers are broken. Limits are overcome. Language creates duality, language exists through duality. It cannot indicate the nondual. If i say ‘day’, immediately i create night. If i say ‘life’, immediately i create death. If i say ‘good’, bad is created. If i say ‘no’, yes is existing. Language can exist only through the opposite. That’s why we see life as always divided — God and devil. Drop language, drop this linguistic pattern. Once language is no more on your mind and you look directly into reality, day IS night. The Bauls sing: My skin and bone are turned to gold/ when the inner man and woman meet,/ when Krishna and Kali become one./ My skin and bone are turned to gold,/ I am the reservoir of love,/ alive as the waves. Excerpted from The Beloved. Courtesy Osho International Foundation

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